Thursday, November 19, 2009

Student project on the use of substances derived from living organisms for commercial purposes.?

Student project on the use of substances derived from living organisms for commercial purposes.?

I have to submit the idea for a student project in an analytical chemistry course. The project is about bioprospection which is the use of substances derived from living organisms for commercial or even everyday purposes. We are avoiding anything related to the medical field because this is beyond the scope of the course. Some students have already proposed ideas such as the production of perfumes or even dyes ... If you have other interesting ideas about the subject, this would REALLY help. Thanks!

Also, if you know about interesting scientific websites that could help in such topics, feel free to share them with me...

Student project on the use of substances derived from living organisms for commercial purposes.?
trees - fruits, seeds, wood pulp, rubber, lax, wood for furniture, teak, sal, mahagony, ebony, matchsticks, eucalyptus for oil.

Animals- meat, egg, milk, wool, silk, skin, teeth(ivory), fur.

Herbs- medicinal herbs- tulsi, mint

Plants- cotton

Edible plants' leaves / flowers - karripatta, coriander (dhania), mint (pudina), Mustard plants for mustard seeds (methe) and mustard oil, sadabahar flowers (curing diabetes).

Edible trees' leaves - neem leaves
Reply:What about some algae? I know some of them contain carageenan (Chondrus crispus aka irish moss is a one species of red algae that has it), which is used in everything from toothpaste to beer to shampoo to ice cream to processed cheese. Brown algae have alginic acid in their cell walls that is used for stuff too.

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