Monday, November 16, 2009

Do you think student grants are fair?

A friend of mine got her degree for free because her parents earn less than £15k a year and she could apply for student grants. She now earns 30k a year, does not have to pay anything back, and is jetting around the world on her savings. Another friend had to take out a student loan because her parents earn £22k and she was not eligible for a grant. She is now earning £18k and her education has left her thousands of pounds in debt which she is slowly paying back. She hasn't the money for any similar luxuries.

If a student loan does not have to be paid back until after the student has finished their studies and begins earning over £15k, what does it matter what their parents' annual income is?

(By the way, I really don't know much about student grants and loans, this has just been a common complaint of many students I know, so please enlighten me if I'm mistaken.)

Do you think student grants are fair?
I think they should all pay for their education instead of free laoding off the backs of the people who work for a living. can't afford it? aww shame get a bloody job then work for a living, dig ditches... clean out toilets... do you more good, character building it is...
Reply:I worked for a living, my parents have no $, and I havent received any grants- I wouldnt wish upon someone the hell I went through my 1st year, fair or not, Its good for society. you think theres no return for the government or the people when they invest in eduacation? Report It

Reply:fair defined is Just to all parties; equitable. Just because my father busted his *** in colege to make a good living and someone elses dad didn't, so they get free money instead of me. no that is not "fair". if you are someone who thinks it is fair, your parents were the stupid kids in class who didn't learn and now your family is poor and looking for hndouts so you can go to college.
Reply:It just depends on your personal finances..if your family makes a good amount they are sometimes expected to make a donation to the college you are going to. Grants depend on your grades, sports, alumni, etc. I only get a couple of grants, but I also have to take out loans for living expences, books, etc. The bigger loan you take out, the bigger chunk of grants they take away from you!
Reply:I honestly believe that grants are fair. It gives people who would never be able to attend uni to better themselves. When someone graduates and lands a good job, could it be because they put in their time and worked harder and sacrificed more than some of the their fellow students? I've seen too many people that have grants or have their parents pay for their eduction waste their time in uni and not even care about the outcome of their actions. I know that this probably doesn't answer your question, sorry.
Reply:its given her a chance to do something she other wise wouldn't be able to afford. i didn't get a grant, and am currently over drawn and in det,its stressfull. ok so i'll have a well paid job at the end of it,but i'll be paying bk lones for years and years. i think the way that its decided who gets a grant and how much they get is unfare. just coz my mum and dad earn 30 grand a year between them,it doesn't mean they've got enough to support me,them and my sister (also in uni),they are now in det to coz of me. parents income shouldn't be a factor in it,its not acurate! :)
Reply:I've gone through college, well 3 1/2 years, on academic based grants. HOPE scholarships!
Reply:I do not think they are fair; I know too many people whose parents hid their assets or had them in other people's names so their children could get grants. I think the way eligibility is determined is unfair to the student, as we are the ones who end up paying back the loan money, on starting salaries to boot. I was fortunate to have a scholarship and work program, but still had to borrow several thousand dollars and would have borrowed thousands more if I had not lived at home.

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