Monday, May 4, 2009

When will the Student Adjustment Act pass?

If you don't know what student adjustment act is

The bill will give states the opportunity to offer undocumented students, who have long resided within their borders, the same in-state tuition rates other legal residents are entitled to receive. It does so by repealing federal restrictions which currently discourage this practice. Further, it will allow these bright and motivated students to qualify for federal student loans and grants so that poverty does not impede their college dreams. Finally, it gives these students the opportunity to reach for the American dream of prosperity and achievement by offering them the chance to legally reside in this country.

now junior so soon senior.. i'm so worried what will happen to me. If this act pass i could get finanical aids but since there isn't any F.AId for nonresidency student i can't. I came here just year before 9/11. so in 2000. and i could call myself a good honor student I want to hear what other people think about this act

When will the Student Adjustment Act pass?
look buddy...i understand how difficult it must be for you but asking the gov't to pay for your college education is not gonna fly well with any law abiding citizen....besides ....if you are an illegal alien then u cannot apply for federal aid anyways....they specifically ask you about your immigration status....and federal aid is only available to US citizens or Permanent residents. Now that i have given you the bad is some good news....many colleges allow undocumented students to apply and study with the in-state tuition rates.....if you can show proof....for example.. a utility bill or a house lease or income tax return u filed using your ITIN number.....they may allow you in-state tuition rate....given ur situation....i would not advise you to apply to private colleges as you willbe unable to pay for it.....i would recommend tryin to get into a community or city college where the in-state tuition is around $2000 per semester....if you work off the books as a waiter or do construction could afford to go to college.....It aint easy, but its doable.....good luck.....
Reply:No benefits to illegals, bright or not, illegals are criminals.
Reply:Sorry but I second other's opinions. no taxes,no legal status means no benefits. There are some people I know who are legally here on visa's and still dont get the benefits.
Reply:I honestly don't believe that you should be eligible for instate tuition breaks. Only people who are citizens should be eligible for this.

We have a lot of bright students who are citizens of this country and illegals or "undocumented" aliens have no right to a tuition discount, especially when they don't pay taxes.
Reply:Ah yes, give financial aid to illegal students who have broken the law to get it and forget about all the bright American students that slip through the cracks every year because apparently it's not "cool" to actually do anything for the people who pay taxes here. Yep- I am so not into that idea.
Reply:There are only so many funds that can be spent on discounts like in state tuition or other tuition help. When our own children, many of them, can't afford to go to a four year college without going into serious debt (if they can do it at all), I think it is criminal to give in state tuition to people illegally here.

They have already taken education funds from our children's schools to the tune of $10,000 per year for education throughout the time they were here. That is more than enough.

There isn't enough to go around, and we need to take care of our own children first.
Reply:Hopefully - NEVER!

To openly bypass others that very well are more qualified - just because they are not breaking the law - in order to benefit those that are - is wrong.

If such were ever to even seriously get to a point where a vote were to come up on such - every grand/parent, aunt/uncle, young wo/man that are citizens within this country that also have college dreams and a desire to achieve the "American dream" will rise up and revolt over such a travesty.
Reply:Lets hope the nuts in Washington never pass this.
Reply:There are plenty of bright students within US. So I guess I would mildly oppose this act. Whats the point of educating foreign nationals, illegaly residing in US???.. How will US benefit from it???. It will nly give the opportunity for this aliens to claim Green Card, saying as you already invested money in us let us work and pay back.


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