Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Student gets tasered for not showing student id?

Has everyone seen the video of the student from UCLA getting tasered. I am so shocked and appalled. Why would the police want to go out of there way to inflict such pain when it is so obvious they had other options available. Before all you "he had it coming" people want to jump in. The issue is not wether the student was wrong and the police needed to do something. The issue is wether what they did was necessary or simply excessive. It seems to me that we all should agree that after the first shock the police crossed the line into excessive.

Student gets tasered for not showing student id?
Every UCLA alumnus should call the UCLA President's office (310-825-4321) and let Pres. Robert C. Dynes and Chancellor Norman Abrams know that you will withhold all contributions until the police officers are fired.

A university is usually far more tolerant and respectful of students' rights, and far more restrictive on police brutality, than outside the university gates. Having worked in universities for the past 20 years, I can safely say the behavior of the UCLA PD as exhivited in the 6-minute video (not 10 seconds) is inexcusable. They could have dragged the guy out, let him scream all he wants. If he resisted phsycially, they could have handcuffed him -- for 200 years our police did not need tasers or pepper spray to handcuff people. (Maybe he was already handcuffed when they Tasered him, which is even less excusable.)

There is a big difference between being tased once (often by a low-voltage) in a test situation and having it done to you multiple times in a row in a hostile situation. There have been 73 deaths associated with tasers between 1999 and 2004. Even police officers in five states have sued Taser International claiming they "suffered serious injuries after being shocked with the device during training classes." http://orlando.injuryboard.com/defective...
Reply:students should follow the rules, or face the concequenses
Reply:I agree with you... id like to hear the policeman's side of the story though
Reply:There was an announcement that the library would be checking for university identification. After 11 pm they do that to ensure the safety of their students.

Tabatabainejad, refused to provide any identification and was told he would have to leave.

After repeated requests, he would neither leave nor show identification so the library called the police.

The police told him to leave the premises multiple times yet he continued to refuse.

The guy was looking for trouble and he got what he asked for.

If he wanted a peaceful, non-painful, evening he wouldn't have acted like every other guy you'd ever seen on COPS.

What kind of idiot wants to protest their college's reasonable attempt to keep their students safe? Common sense people!
Reply:If a person is arrogant and think they are above the rules or laws then pay the price
Reply:clearly ,a strudent should show id BeFore getting on to the school grounds,

he clearl;y had been and was leaving,

a police spokes man on bbc ,said its a rule for students to carry id, thus if they dont or refuse to show it they got a right to use a little shock ,also said every one when instructed in taser use has the OPTION of trying ,it them selves ,

for mine they must try it them self so as to be acuratly and in an educated manner be able to determine its affect ,for all who get one they must know its power just to get one ,giving an option to get shot is not telling the user how much power it has,

same with polititions who make these laws ,take a stun shot then you have right to stun others ,really our law makers are inflicting pains they themselves would refuse to bear.

personally i feel the dude was leaving ,and the authority was entering ,they could well have followed him out ,but he was toughed on the arm ,to which he took offense ,as many police have had ,its called assult to lay hands on people unless your trying to heal them,clearly the issue here is not healing ,its over policing ,showing id in libaries is a controll measure ,restriction of learning ,show id to get in not leave.

we are living in an age of ongoing fear and power plays in subduing the population by over officious and possable racial division ,

i tend to agree the dude lost it but he was pushed into loosing it ,also the use of a taser was in this case illegal ,they should have backed off and stood between the terrorist and the public ,

not that he was a terrorist but he sure got what many would like to give each and every one who induces us into terrror.
Reply:If they knew what they were doing, they would not have done it. Yes, the student had an attitude but that does not justify tasering him for 5 times. acoording to research, the taser shot can incapacitate a person for 5 to 15 minutes. Tasering him for 5 times is grossly excessive.
Reply:before using a taser they should have slammed him onto the ground and if he resisted then zap him.
Reply:If he had done what he was told to do when he was told to do it he would not have been tasered the first time. DON'T YOU GET IT? The police/security personnel don't know if they are dealing with a jerk or a homicidal nutcase. Now they have to potentially put themselves in danger because they need to worry about using excessive force? Forget it! They tried to get him to be reasonable, the guy wanted to play tough and he lost! Good! He was lucky I wasn't there I would have done something more serious than tasering the punk. When the Authorities tell you to do something, you do it. Ifthey are in the wrong, they apologize, if they go over the line (Like walking up tasering someone, then asking for I.D. or to go with them) then you sue their asses! The punk wasn't in charge and he lost!
Reply:They have a right to ask for ID and remove the student for not having one. it is school policy, and it makes sense, it's not the issue. They even had a right to touch his arm and escort him out if he was being loud and uncooperative, he's an idiot, he deserves it, it's also not the issue.

But that's where it ends. Regardless of whether or not he was cooperative. Tasing a handcuffed person is straight-up torture. tasers are meant to immobilize dangerous individuals, not “move people along”, regardless of how much warning you give them, or how loud they are being, he's not a threat in handcuffs.

Police are trained to use the minimum amount of force necessary to subdue a suspect. This skinny 23 year old kid is in handcuffs, there are 4-6 big police officers... they could carry his dumb-*** out... or drag him... or (as I have seen dozens of officers do in similar situations... ) be the bigger man, sit back, and handle it calmly and professionally... let the kid be the ***...

I’m sorry those officers had an uncooperative suspect, but they should have handled it far more professionally, hell, big fat high-school football club/bar bouncers remove uncooperative individuals more humanely and successfully all the time.

Near the end of the video, The officer threatens to tase another student, who is asking him for his ID number, that’s called assault, and it is a crime.

sidenote: tasers have killed something like 118 people last year.

Those cops are completely out of control, they are lucky a riot didn't break out. Fire and fine them all, and send the “i’ll taze you too” officer to jail. Thank god, this is only the 10% of bad police officers... and most are far, far better cops....

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