Saturday, April 17, 2010

Student teacher dealing with tattling....can you recommend a book or some ideas?

I am student teaching and my second graders are HUGE tattlers! They tell on every little thing other people do. I have decided, along with the classroom teacher, to make "Tattling Teddy". We are going to have a teddy bear next to a box and if the students need to tell us something they write it and put it in the box. Teddy will "tell" us what the student's put in their every night. Does anyone have a good book title on this topic or have any helpful adivce they think would cut down on all the tattling in the classroom? Thanks in advance! :-)

Student teacher dealing with tattling....can you recommend a book or some ideas?
I teach 3rd grade and tattling is definitely a problem. The "Tattling Teddy" is a good idea. I also have my students write a note when they want to tattle. I don't read it to the class, however, as it gives them incentive to write more so than can hear it read to the class. I also require them to write in complete sentences and with correct spelling and punctuation. Any notes not written correctly are thrown away. Because of this, many of my students don't bother. Good luck.
Reply:I reccomend the book Positive Discipline, an A-Z Teachers' Guide; by Jane Nelsen.

Personally, I teach my students the difference between tattling and asking for help. I tell them that they are tattling if they are telling me about something that doesn't involve them personally, or are telling me because they want the other child to get in trouble. If they have an issue with another child that they think I can help them solve without getting anyone in trouble, it's fine to tell me about that.
Reply:Peaceful Procedures is a class for teachers and I think you can get the book online, but we learned to teach the students there are 2 different things: 1) reporting, and that is telling something the adult really needs to know and 2) tattling, and that is not necessary, So when the kids come to you, stop them and say "are you reporting or tattling ?" and you should do role play with this so they can learn what it really means. then if you have a kid who just talks to you too much, get some raffle tickets and give them like 3-5 and tell them that each time they talk to you they have to give you a ticket. When there tickets are gone, they cannot talk to you no matter what. They soon learn to only talk to you when they really need to.

tooth ache

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